Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The One Where There`s an Earthquake and Typhoon

Just as I was enjoying a thoroughly delightful dream, I woke up to what seemed like a amusement park ride gone bad. The bed was rumbling beneath me and I opened my eyes in time to see the books from my desk crashing to the floor and the cabinet swaying heavily from side to side. I stood up literally on shaky ground and called out to my suite-mate Mimi before rushing out to the hall...that's when the first giant boom of thunder ran out. Mimi swung her door open and I rushed into the room. We both jumped into the tiny twin bed and basically freaked out for a good five minutes; then watched like sissy little girls as lightening bolt after lightening bolt shot from the sky. And it was only 5AM...

Our morning was filled with Typhoon weather followed by what turned out to be one of the most fun days of camp. The junior high kids and I took a lunch trip to this awesome 150-year-old traditional Japanese house and proceeded to play baseball with a ball of aluminum foil and sticks for bases. The only downside was when I got caught up trying to catch a frog in the outfield and got smashed in the head with the ball. Oops.

Tonight is the last night of camp and tomorrow we are DONE! I'm so excited to explore Tokyo for a few days with my new found friends! Australia...here I come!

- Ashley

Fun Fact: There is a difference between `bathrooms` and `toilet rooms` here. Bathrooms have no toilets...just sinks. You also have to wear special shoes when using either bath or toilet rooms!

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