Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The One About Me and Rich People.

I passed Emily and Liam's house four times before I realized their building was not, in fact, a luxury hotel. I buzzed myself in and met a young gentlemen sitting behind a giant marble front desk who directed me to the proper elevator for my floor. Getting to the apartment, I was expecting things to taper off (they were two college kids, how nice could their place really be?). When Liam opened the door I was shocked, to say the least, by the grandiose view of the park from the balcony, leather furniture, top-of-the-line electronics, and a master bedroom/bath...just for me. I must say, this couch surfing thing is awesome!

I've enjoyed myself the past three days just wandering leisurely around the city. Emily took me on a wonderful walk along the harbor where she pointed out Russell Crow's house, Nichole Kidman's house, and several other gorgeous 10 million dollar+ estates. We witnessed (and took part in) the catching of an octopus, strolled through several adorable residential parks, and furthered my education about coffee and tea here in New South Wales. Both Liam and Emily have great taste in music and movies, so I spent several quiet evenings basically recovering from Japan and enjoying my short-term flatmates.

The harbors here are beautiful. They don't quite have the beaches beat, but the parks surrounding the harbors are as good as, if not better than, any i've been to (I still love you Bidwell Park!). There is this indescribable calm that occurs when you step into the Royal Botanical Gardens. The acres of perfectly tended rolling grass, plants, and ponds -all looking out on the ocean and the Sydney Opera House, paint a good enough picture to sit an view for hours. While at the parks i've noticed how active Aussie's here are. I even asked my newest couch surfing host, who is a good bit older than me, how active she was and then listened as she listed off a different activity for almost every day of the week!

And people don't just throw any old thing on to work-out. There is an unspoken rule of thumb that your running top must fit the shorts/pants you are wearing in brand (and color) and the shoes must match the color of the outfit. I was intrigued by this and stepped into a sports store (okay, I searched relentlessly for over an hour to find a store ) to check out this must-have gear. I found a wall of running shoes and had to ask the guy who worked there if the prices were written correctly. This due to the pair of Aisics, that had only cost me $50.00, which were priced at $249.00!!! For the exact same pair of shoes!!! On the upside, rugby gear here takes up half the store. You can find shorts and boots in every color imaginable. Not to mention the selection of jersey's from every pro, semi-pro, local, regional, and national rugby union and league team.

I almost forgot, the whole reason why I titled my post about rich folks. Last night I met up with Deb, my new couch surfing host, and she took me to meet up with friends for drinks. Being the budget-conscious traveler that I am, i figured i'de socialize and sip on water. When the sixth bottle of wine was brought over, along with another round of beer, I quietly asked Deb what everyone with us did for a living. Random House, the French National Bank, professional cyclist...these were just a few of the jobs thrown out there. I must say, for a bunch of bloody rich people, they were all tremendously friendly and funny.

I leave you with a conversation I overheard while in line for the loo between a British woman and her daughter...

(use a British accent when reading)
"Oooh look Mum! They have disposable toilet covers!"
"Disposable what?"
"Look above you mum."
"Well, by god, they do you suppose I get it on me seat?"
"There's directions mum."
"I do suppose there are... (Pause for several seconds) mines not working deary."
"Unfold it mum."
"There we are!"
"Its not disposing itself love. Bloody hell...I don't know why we need to cover our bum with this contraption."
"Give it a shove mum"
"They want me to keep me bum clean but then expect me to stick me bloody hand down the toilet!?"
"Use your foot."
"Ahhh! Thanks love!"


1 comment:

  1. That conversation was hilarious!! Sounds like you are having incredible experiences. We love reading about your adventures and look forward to the next installment!

    Love you,
    the aunts
