Saturday, August 29, 2009

The One on a French Keyboard

Internet is expensive here so when my dorm mate and dear new friend Sophia offered her computer for me to use, I decided to overcome the French keyboard and update my blog.

I've been in Christchurch almost a week and sadly, do not have a whole lot to report. I got very sick in Aussie-land and, upon arriving in New Zealand, went almost directly to the ER. Several days and many, many hours of sleep later, i finally felt up to going outdoors for more than an hour or two.

I headed to the park yesterday in hopes of catching a game (Saturday is a rugby day here too) and was delighted at stumbling across a game of hard hitting, big play making, incredibly intense rugby - did I mention the players were all about six or seven-years-old? I looked on as the sole little girl playing against all boys grabbed an opposing team members jersey and socked him in the face for kicking her...i decided right then and there that i will, without a doubt, be raising my future children in New Zealand!

I've started to mingle amongst the hostels here and have made a few friends. The other night at dinner i was amazed to have practically the whole world at my table... Sophia from France, Nicole from Germany, Paul from Ireland, Mia from Australia, Francesca from Chile, and little 'ol me from California. So far i havn't made any solid traveling plans, but i tentitivly may be road-tripping with a 4'8 hairdresser from Australia who doesn't care for sports and dislikes the outdoors... we'll see how that goes!

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