Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The One About Interesting Food

I ate a fish eyeball last night…it was somehow crunchy and squishy at the same time and tasted like, well, eyeball. No, I am not eating disgusting animal parts for the taste, it was a dare and I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to show up the head male counselor. Food here is interesting and incredibly healthy. I know its going to be hard to believe but kids here eat veggies and fish with rice for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even on the mornings that we had French toast available the 5-year-olds headed straight to the tofu and zucchini dish…its crazy!

I’ve also learned there are about ten different ways to use chop-sticks and the campers have taken it upon themselves to teach me – at every single meal. They also play some neat games involving hitting each others fingers and adding and subtracting numbers and I of course can’t participate because the math is far too complex.

We are leaving Kiyatsoto today and headed to Izu. Apparently it doesn’t rain as much there and I’m excited to be out of the mud. I took my kindergarten team on a nature walk yesterday and what started out as a fun adventure through the woods turned into shoes getting stuck so deep in the mud that I couldn’t find them for a good three minutes!

I’ve been learning origami (which is so complex!) and am far inferior to the small children teaching me. We have moved camp outdoors and its been great being outside in the sun and hearing all of the animals and running from all the bugs that have come out. We caught some tadpoles yesterday and spent this morning in a field catching frogs and grasshoppers. I also took the little ones on a “bear hunt”…I’m pretty sure they didn’t understand anything but “RUN, IT’S A BEAR!” where we were looked at strangely by all the Japanese tourists as we screamed sprinting through the field!

Gotta head out to the bus for another fun-filled week of camp! Pictures on Facebook, check them out!


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