Monday, June 15, 2009

The one where I enter a travel contest.

In seven short weeks i'm outta here, on my way to see the big crazy world. The easy part of this trip will be the first few weeks while I hang out in Japan with sports enthusiast such as myself. The only difference is they are little kids while i'm the counselor who pretends like I know what i'm doing while teaching them soccer, football, and yes -CHEERLEADING! Don't worry, i'm sneaking a rugby ball into camp so I can introduce them to the greatest game on earth if they haven't played already...

(Don't my legs look nice up there?)

After that its a stopover in Australia to do some sightseeing and then off to New Zealand! The only minor problem is that once in NZ, i have absolutely no freakin' clue what i'm going to be doing! So, like any logical college-educated person would do, I've been googling my brains out. As luck would have it i stumbled upon this SWEET contest being put on by Entirely Kiwi, a travel agency giving away a three month trip around New Zealand in exchange for my supreme documentation skills. Did i mention they pay for everything?! Now don't go entering yourself because you will totally be salting my game, and as friends and family I know you would never do that to me...

So in my few short weeks left at home i'll be cramming the daunting task of making a video with no video camera, editing software, or time to do it. Sounds fun huh? I guess this is where my networking skills and determination come in. Wish me luck!

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