Saturday, June 6, 2009

The one about picking a blog name...

Anyone who knows me semi-well knows that anxiety is a common (and annoying, might i add) occurrence in my daily life. So why was i even the least bit surprised when the relatively simple task of searching for that "perfect" blog titles actually sent my heart racing and my mind into a half-panic over the monumental changes i'm about to make in my life. What was meant to be a quirky blog name felt like i was taking on a much bigger task than originally planned...
So Bocast vs. The World it is.

For those of you saying "what the hell is this girl talking about???" you might care to know that after 24 wonderful years, I am leaving beautiful Chico California to take part in what I intend to be some of the most epic adventures of my life. In roughly two months i'll be at a sweet sports camp job in this little country they call Japan, and after a brief stint there I'm headed to New Zealand for a few months of anything and everything. I'm taking the idea of "go big or go home" very seriously; i'm going to country hop around the world for as long as I possibly can and refuse to come back until i've pushed myself (and my wallet) to the limits. 

The pre-planning has been going well. I have a group of bad-ass young women taking over 
what has lovingly been dubbed the "rugby house"...i actually don't know if anyone calls the house that but me, but seeing as i live here i can call it whatever i want. My visa and passport are in order, and i'm banking on a family friend to hook me up with a brilliant travel itinerary that takes me from San Francisco to Japan to Australia (or Fiji) and finally to New Zealand. I've got all the luggage i need, and before i leave will probably end up spending an obscene amount of money on a few must-have items such as trail running shoes and those oh-so-comfy moisture wicking cargo zip off shorts/pants. 

The pre-travel jitters have begun to set in. I mean, lets be real here, I'm traveling across the world solo and meeting up with...oh wait, i don't know anyone where i'm going! Sometimes i wonder if this is the best or the most idiotic idea of my life, but i figure if i could survive New York, i can survive anything! 

I plan on having many interesting facts for you all once i leave, but seeing as i haven't left yet you get a random one for today.

Fun Fact: Elephants are the only mammals that can't jump.


  1. Good on you, as the kiwis say. Its so exciting that you are actually following through and doing what you have been wanting to do. As so not knowing anyone where you are going, I will have to get you set up with a couple people in Christchurch.

  2. G'day as the Aussies say. You will have friends in Australia Ashley. I'm so proud of you.
