Friday, December 31, 2010

The Last One!

In a year and a half never would I have imagined that I would be so changed by the people, places, and experiences I encountered as I trekked from Japan to the Land Down Under and then finally, through South East Asia. Heck, even arriving home was an adventure!

Reflecting wholeheartedly on such an incredible once-in-a-lifetime journey requires a certain ability to appreciate even the smallest gestures of goodwill, to remember the seemingly insignificant events that created the ‘whole picture’, and to cherish the new friendships that in many cases, will last a lifetime.

I can honestly say that my odyssey abroad made me a better, happier, and more grateful person.

In my last blog entry for this particular episode of wanderlust, I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who’s either been with me in the thick of things or followed my journey via the delightful World Wide Web! From the sensory overload of Japan to the mystical beauty of New Zealand and throughout the exotic encounters of SE Asia, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for being with me, every step of the way – it means more to me than you will ever know.

Although I could write a thousand personal thank-you’s to everyone, there are a few people around the world that I would like to give a few special shout-outs to:

The Best family: My journey began with you and I am so grateful that it did. Thank you for creating such a wonderful opportunity for young people to experience and embrace a different culture other than their own, I really hope to make it back to camp one day!
Taka: If I could adopt you I would (even though we’re the same age)! Your smile brightened up all those rainy days at camp. I aspire to live life with the selfless passion you show in everything you do.
My Co-Counselors (Mimi, Kaitlin, David, Carlos, Eric, and Alli): Throwing seven strangers together in the chaos of a foreign country couldn’t have been more amazing. Thanks for making camp one of the highlights of my life! Karaoke reunion? I think so!

Brent, Ronelle, and John (Desi’s cousins): I’ve never been shown such wonderful hospitality. Thanks for welcoming me with open arms into your homes; my challenging transition from NZ to Asia couldn’t have been more enjoyable!
Gordon Rugby Club: For a crazy fun night out that I don’t really remember.
Andi and Lilly: All-Blacks vs Wallabies = most amazing sporting event of my life, thanks heaps for the tickets!

New Zealand

Stew Greig: for being my first friend in town and showing/forcing me to learn how to mountain bike!
Adam & Gary: Best roomies a girl could ask for, even if you both did drink all my beer =)
Tommy: for being you.
The Morrison Family (ALMOST): because you held down how cool Americans really can be… congrats on the new addition!
Hels and Mayu: Going crazy fast down mountains was so much more fun with you ladies and I learned how to make sushi!!!
Alissa ‘Sis’: Beautiful, talented, AND can ride like the boys? Thanks for the friendship and smiles!
Dugald: Thanks for not breaking up with me after A-town pee’d in your bed ;)
Nikki, Steph, Fay, and the ‘gay ski crew’: I will never look at a ski season the same after a winter with you badass ladies!
The PLP: For helping me GET EXCITED! for each and every day from the moment I met all of you. May you always be champions of not taking life so seriously and being a kid again!
Mia: You are my INSPIRATION to live life to its fullest and to take every challenge head-on. I can’t wait to cheer for you at the 2014 Paralympics!
Alli: the meanest Maori in town and the most sincere and beautiful person I’ve met in my life. Thanks for the positive encouragement and friendship!
Keri: Painting, photo shoots, cooking, missions, drums, movie nights, skiing…we did it all! You were the finishing piece of the puzzle that MADE New Zealand the trip of a lifetime. “Tēnā rāwā atu koe”

South Island
The East Coast Americans of Cromwell: I am blessed to call you all my new rugby sisters (even if you let f*cking DAVIS beat you at nationals)!
Mis Amigos de Suramerica: Gracias for some great times in Christchurch!
Jen and Nat: In a time that I really needed a friend, I got two. Although our time together was short-lived, our connection was undeniable and I hope it lasts a lifetime!
Andre and Rikki (and Taz):  Oh Girls! Thank you for taking me under your wing and sharing your beautiful Maori heritage with me. Our late night chats were some the most cherished conversations I’ve had!

North Island
Alex Lines: It was so nice to see a familiar face up North! Thanks for the extended hospitality and incredibly fun mt. bike mish in Windy Welly! 
Nicky White: Glad to put it all behind us and focus on what an amazing journey we shared together.
Nicole Lilburn: Erupt Festival was a remarkable experience and a brilliant learning opportunity –thanks!
Caro and ‘The Girls’: Who knew that ridiculous sleeping mat would create such a lasting friendship?
Sharlene: I am so happy to have met you! Thanks for having me and PLEASE let me know if you’re ever back Stateside!
The Evans Family: Thanks for the Earthlings enlightenment and YUMMY veg food!
Spencer & Brianna: So amazing to have a part of Chico show up all the way in New Zealand! Spenc, awesome to have met you, Bri – marry that man!
Vic and the AUCC: Ask me a year ago if I would’ve ever paddled whitewater in a hardshell kayak and I would’ve said “YOU ARE CRAZY!”, but with you guys it was the time of my life! If only I could record Big Red and that ridiculous didgeridoo…

Chris and Elly: We were %100 destined to be friends. I can’t wait for our next adventure!
Llouis and Guilliem: I’m glad I finally figured out you weren’t actually speaking Spanish! Thanks for putting up with my bus outbursts and for the awesome three weeks together!

Thailand & Laos
Mandy & the “Colorado Boys”: Thanks for helping me face the wall. You have sparked a passion in me that I hope to continue with until this body gives out!
The BHC: I would need a book to thank you guys for the great and absolutely epic times!

Sarah, Maria and Court: I couldn’t have asked for three more incredible people to end my journey with. For all the “last nights” and to many more!

To my fantastic family and friends: THANK YOU for reading my blog and for all the wonderful feedback! Sharing my experiences with everyone at home was both a delight and an honor. I’ve always had an interest in writing and am so grateful that so many of you enjoyed my stories! I love you all and am so happy to be back home so I can share my experiences with you first-hand!

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