Thursday, September 9, 2010

The One Time a Monkey Tried to Kill Me (and I never exaggerate)

A cat-sized monkey nearly killed me and I never saw it coming.

The entrance to the Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia is located at the top of a massive flight of stairs. These caves are not only guarded by Hindu Gods, but a family of small monkeys patrol the thousands of steps that one must climb to enter. Unfortunately, the monkeys have become totally dependent on treats from tourists for food. Bananas, peanuts, and even cans of soda are steadily given out as the cameras flash. I had just finished taking a few pictures of an adorable mama monkey and her two small babies (without giving treats) and was concentrating on my footing as a continued to climb. Suddenly, out of NOWHERE, this monkey jumps in front of me, bares his fang-like teeth, and growls! I FREAKED! Stepping backwards, I overshot the step below me and would've tumbled down the  hundreds of concrete steps below had I not somehow managed to grab the railing and right myself. The monkey, as if to further mock my wussy reaction, did a somersault, and then sat looking at me as he itched his head.

My mates couldn't control their laughter.   

Looking down at the would-be-monkey-induced deathtrap, I hopped the railing to distance myself from the alpha male and made my way hurriedly to the cave entrance.  The cave was massive, the ceiling being at least two or three stories high. Water cascaded down the walls and green vegetation poked through light-filled holes. It would've been one of the most beautiful things i've ever seen in my life were it not for the men shoving snakes into my face for 'only ten ringget  pitcha lady!' and the stalls full of flashing junk for sale. Despite the commercialization of the natural wonder, I couldn't help but be in aw of its size and magnitude. 

Elly, John, and myself left after a few minutes wandering around. The heat was making us all parched so we walked down the monkey-stair gauntlet and back to the train. The climb and heat had exhausted me, so I took a nap. My own drool woke me up as John and Elly had yet another laugh at my expense. I didn't mind, experiences are much better if you can learn to laugh at yourself. 

So far its been a cruisy week in Malaysia. The two cities i've been in (Melacca and Kuala Lumpur) make me shake my head at my previous perceptions of Asia. Many areas are more developed than some states in the US, a bit more run down and dirty though. I've also been surprised by the massive blend of Buddist, Hindu, Muslim, and Christain followers that all live peacefully in this tropical country. Next up is a week of trekking before we hit the Islands and hopefully avoid the looming monsoons! 


Fun Fact: A trek up Mt. Kilimanjaro would probably be easier than navigating the streets around here. Curbs disappear or rise dramatically without warning. Holes and obstacles are like minefields in the streets. Cars and motorcycles fly past chaotically. And you are constantly required to avoid the local predators who attack without warning, wanting you to buy their goods. 

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