Saturday, October 3, 2009

The One In A Van Down By The River

Alright, technically the "river" I'm cozied up next to is a small stream and the "van" i'm living in came off the assembly line two months premature- causing it to be slightly smaller and less fantastic than the minivans of my childhood. Needless to say, I cannot change the fact that my accommodations scarily resemble those described by Chris Farley in his Saturday Night Live skit of the late 90's.

On a good note, I wake up every morning facing an immaculate rugby pitch and am surrounded by some of the most breathtaking mountains i've ever seen. A five minute walk leads to the edge of Lake Wakatipu, with crystal clear glacier waters and numerous world-renowned adventure water activities. My life is packed into a backpack, duffle bag, and large box containing food...I wouldn't have it any other way.  

Now officially on my traveler's budget (I spent 1/3 of my year's budget already on my miniaturized minivan and some other travel necessities) I've begun to find myself doing things in the name of saving money that I otherwise wouldn't dare. For example: After slaving over the stove, I produced a wonderful grilled-cheese and salami fourth of the day. On my way out of the kitchen I noticed someone had left a jar of pasta sauce on the "free food" shelf. Like a kid after a piñata breaks, I rushed toward the treat and poured the contents on my sandwich. At this point I began making my way to my van/home while still munching down my new creation. When stepping off the curb, a perfectly good slice of salami slid out of the sandwich and rolled (much like a quarter) down a driveway and under a car. I looked quickly around me to make sure no one was watching, retrieved the salami, blew on it twice (for good measure), inspected it for dirt (it was pitch-black so I don't know why i bothered) then popped it into my mouth. 

I know what you're thinking (GROSS!!!) but after a few years of seeing children eating food off the ground (and dating a certain someone who's name we will not mention but whom has appalling eating habits), this practice doesn't seem as dangerous or dirty as the average person would think. 

I have also learned that, instead of brewing a second cup of tea for a caffeine boost, I just add three or four extra spoonfuls of sugar to my first cup and get the same effect. Also, expiration dates are just a number, its the smell that counts. Adding rice to any meal doubles the amount of food intake without costing much more, and walking is a wonderful mode of transportation. 

Until next time...


Fun Fact: The film Willow, my favorite movie of ALL TIME, was mainly filmed in two locations- Northern California and QUEENSTOWN NZ!! (no wonder I liked it so much!)

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