Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The One About Experiencing Major Culture Shock

Ever had a craving for dried octopus tentacles? Well head to Japan and they've got them in six or seven different flavors! The toilets (when you can find a "western" one) are also heated and don't forget to take your shoes off whenever you enter a building! 

Well, I made it folks and boy what an ordeal! The flight was long but highly entertaining. I flew in what felt like the Rolls Royce of airplanes. Super comfy seats with personal televisions, movies, music, and video games galore. They even had TETRIS (and I definitely got my butt kicked while playing against the boy sitting next to me). After landing I met up with all of my co-counselors who are all awesome and very outgoing; I can't believe how well we all hit it off! Then came the tumultuous train rides through Tokyo. I've never in my life seen so many people cram into one train! Everyone here is very busy looking, always on their way to somewhere and dressed to kill. The population here is 98% Japanese so it is very obvious we are foreigners but everyone is very pleasant nonetheless. 

I can't understand a word anyone is saying and have butchered my few attempts at simple words like "yes", "no", and "please" (i'm not even going to attempt to spell things in Japanese).  Last night our camp director JR and official translator Taka took us out to Tokyo's version of a pub- where we consumed massive amounts of incredible sushi and a few yummy dishes of a slightly questionable nature. We even had pizza, which was kind of like a tortilla with cheese and fish on it.

The weather in the city feels like being in Alabama on a muggy summer day and here in the mountains i'm having flashbacks of Hawaii (rain, fog, and a slight breeze). Its so beautifully green here, very mountainous, with small rice fields anywhere there is flat open space -including right in the middle of cities! Despite the less than awesome weather, i've already decided this is going to be the beginning of the coolest experience of my life!  

More updates coming soon! Love you all!

- Ashley

Interesting fact: there are not overweight people in Japan. I'm not kidding. Almost everyone (including most of the men) are my size or smaller! 

Monday, July 27, 2009

The One About Goodbyes and G'days!

The moment we've all been waiting for has finally arrived! My life at home has been put on hold for the next few months, i'm all packed, my seat on the lovely Japan Airlines are confirmed for my 13 hour flight, and all I can think about is..."do I really need 14 pairs of underwear?". I guess only time will tell.

This is a short one guys because in 6 hours i'm finally on my way. To those of you who haven't done so already, wish me luck and a safe journey. I hope to keep everyone up-to-date and spellbound with my travel stories and adventures. Stay tuned, the journey has just begun!

